Now that the sea is as quiet as the harbour, it is time to leave Cow Head behind. During the two days that we were there we hardly saw a soul at the harbour, although the town on the mainland was quite active. There were only a few boats remaining in the harbour this time of year.
Pointe Riche Light marks the end of a peninsula in this relatively flat terrain:
Port Au Choix is a typical small "fishing" town that could be easily missed in this barren landscape:
Looks like a good spot to store traps - what do you think?
"Evergreen" at the government floating dock in Port Aux Choix. All the government (public) docks are painted yellow.
As you can see this is an active fishing port although most of the boats have gone north to drag for cold water shrimp on the "Banks."
The blue building is the local fish plant where every kind of seafood is processed. There used to be many more plants but with the decline of the fishery plants seem to be only found in the larger fishing ports.